Thieme Test Prep for the Usmle(r) Pathology Q&A

Artikelnummer: BG172790


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Verkoop door: Bucher Garten

Verwerkingstijd:(Dag) 5-8

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Thieme Test Prep for the USMLE®: Pathology is the choice of medical students… …I am very impressed …These answers and explanations waste no time getting right to the point and hit the high-yield points a student must know… for the USMLE® Step 1 exam. – Nicholas T. Gamboa, MS-II (Second-year medical student, University of Utah School of Medicine) These path questions really tested the concepts succinctly and directly. – Amy Leshner (Fourth-year medical student, Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine) …The major test-prep resources do not focus on these subjects in detail. A question bank…would be beneficial to those who struggle with these as an additional resource for studying … – Ethan Young (Fourth-year medical student, University of South Dakota, Sanford School of Medicine) Thieme Test Prep for the USMLE®: Pathology provides medical students studying for boards with a thorough review of pathology concepts. Co-authored by a pathologist and family practice physician, this robust test prep tool combines pathology with strong clinical correlations. Key Highlights Over 1,100 USMLE®-style multiple choice questions and detailed explanations, classified by organ system and difficulty Questions begin with a clinical vignette and approximately 20% are image-based, mirroring the USMLE®-format Online access to content via Winking provides the ability to study anytime, anywhere This essential resource will help you assess your knowledge and fully prepare for board examinations

Aanvullende informatie




1st edition


Thieme Publishers New York

Aantal pagina's




